
*Cake photography by Amy Yip


2021 - Present


Amy Yip is an NYC-based cake designer crafting bespoke “rock-shaped” cakes. She utilizes a background in printmaking to transform her desserts into pieces of interactive sculpture art. We have an ongoing collaboration to both promote events and explore her work in digital spaces through the use of animation and A.I. tools.

Promotional flyer for a Fasion Week event at THE BREAK. Oishii, a strawberry farming company, sponsored Yip.Studio with cake ingredients.  

Promotional flyer for a marketplace pop-up hosted by THE BREAK.  

Promotional flyer an annual event held at The Noguchi Museum, Noguchi at Night. Yip.Studio provided over 200 cake pops to attendees. 

We trained a neural network on 500 images of Yip.Studio cakes to see what types of patterns would emerge. The resulting designs are interesting in their own right.  

© Cyrus Cumming 2024